Fitness Blog Names: Ideas and Examples

Fitness Blog Names

Fitness Blog Names: Ideas and Examples

Do you need help coming up with fitness blog names?

You’re in the right place! If you are having trouble coming up with a name for your fitness blog, you’ll find plenty of ideas and examples below.

One of the first steps for how to start a fitness blog is choosing a name. But it can be hard when you don’t have any ideas for fitness blog names!

I’ve been in that position before having trouble coming up with the perfect blog name. Are you feeling the same way trying to come up with a fitness blog name?

Read on to see some tips for choosing the perfect name for your fitness blog, plus real-life examples from successful fitness blogs to give you more ideas.

Choosing a blog name that you like from the start is important, because it can be a pain to try and change your blog name later. (Trust me, I’ve been there!)

The name you choose is also the first impression that your blog will make on potential readers, so it’s crucial that you choose a good one.

Here are some ideas of the best fitness blog names to help you out!


Domain Name Availability Checker

When coming up with a blog name, you will want to make sure that the domain name (the .com version of the name) is not already registered.

When you start your blog with Bluehost you will get a FREE domain name, saving you $15 to $20. So how can you see if the name you want is available?

After you click “Get Started” on this page and select the $2.95 a month plan (this is the cheapest plan and the one I recommend) you will be able to put in your intended domain name to see if it’s available to register or not.

If you haven’t decided on a blog name yet, you can skip this step and get a credit to come back later to choose your domain name within 30 days.

For a step-by-step guide to registering your domain name and setting up web hosting for your blog, read my guide on how to start a fitness blog.


How Do I Choose a Fitness Blog Name?

Do you need help coming up with a fitness blog names?

Here are my top tips for coming up with a name that you will love!

Your blog name is important, because it’s the first impression that your blog will have on readers. You want to choose something that is catchy, professional, and makes sense. And like I mentioned earlier, you want to choose something that you will not think about changing later, since that can be a huge hassle.

To come up with a name for your fitness blog, try the following strategies:


1. Describe your niche.

One idea for coming up with a fitness blog name is describing your niche. You can do this by choosing a name that highlights what the focus of your blog is, or immediately identifies your your target audience is.

For example, you might choose something like:

  • Moms Get Fit
  • Easy Yoga for Beginners
  • Crossfit Planet
  • Weigh Less Live More

This is a good strategy for coming up with a great blog name that stands out.


2. Add modifying words.

Another tip for coming up with the perfect fitness blog name is to use modifying words. This is especially helpful when the name you want is taken.

I recommend doing this rather than choosing a different ending for your blog (ex. choosing a .net ending if the .com is taken) because it’s better to have a .com name. You also shouldn’t use hyphens, misspellings, or numbers in your name.

For example, let’s say you want to call your blog “Fitness Journey” but that name is taken. Some ways that you could modify this name to create a variation are…

  • The Fitness Journey
  • My Fitness Journey
  • Her Fitness Journey
  • Mom’s Fitness Journey

Modifications like this can help you find a name that is available!


3. Use fitness-related words.

One final suggestion for coming up with a name for your fitness blog is to incorporate fitness-related nouns, verbs, and adjectives into your name.

Some ideas to get you started: Healthy, Health, Strength, Strong, Vigor, Stamina, Endurance, Fit, Fitness, Shape, Endeavor, Muscle, Exercise, Energy, Body, Sweat, Nutrition, Wellness, Well, Grind, Gain, and so on.

There are so many options with this and you can get very creative!


Real Fitness Blog Names

Are you still having difficulty coming up with a name for your fitness blog?

Here are some real-life examples from successful fitness bloggers to give you additional ideas and inspiration to come up with your own blog name.

These are 25+ great fitness blog names to give you ideas:

  • Love Sweat Fitness
  • Nerd Fitness
  • Fit Bottomed Girls
  • Vigor It Out
  • Fit Mom Journey
  • The Yoga Warrior
  • Organize Yourself Skinny
  • A Natural Endeavor
  • Breaking Muscle
  • Well and Good
  • Runtastic
  • The Fitnessista
  • Born Fitness
  • Carrots ‘n’ Cake
  • The Art of Healthy Living
  • Bad Yogi
  • Hungry Healthy Happy
  • Fitting It All In
  • Mindbodygreen
  • The Balanced Life
  • Knocked Up Fitness
  • Blogilates
  • Stupid Easy Paleo
  • Be Healthy Now
  • Run Eat Repeat
  • Achieve With Athena
  • Healthista

Although all of these fitness blog names are already taken, you can use them as inspiration for coming up with your own blog name.


Registering Your Blog Name

Once you have decided on a name for your fitness blog, you will need to register your domain name so you can get your blog started.

I have a detailed guide on how to start a fitness blog that goes more in depth on what to do, but the process is actually very simple!

You just need to purchase your domain name and web hosting.

I recommend Bluehost for all new bloggers because they actually give you a FREE domain name (saving you $15+) and offer web hosting for just $2.95 a month. (This is the lowest possible price that you can start a blog for!)

Bluehost is also the ONLY web hosting company I know of that allows you to go ahead and start your blog without choosing a name yet.

Just select “I’ll create my domain later” after you sign up here.

Fitness Blog Names: Ideas and Examples

So if you need some extra time to decide on your blog name, you can go ahead and get your blog started now, and then Bluehost will give you a credit you can choose to come back and choose your domain name within 30 days.


Fitness Blog Names: Final Thoughts

I hope these fitness blog names gave you the perfect idea for your own name!

It can be hard to come up with a name for your blog, but it’s one of the most important steps of starting your blog. Hopefully these tips and ideas helped!

For more fitness blog ideas, be sure to read:

  • How to Start a Fitness Blog and Make Money Blogging
  • 50 Blog Post Ideas for Fitness Bloggers

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