
Birthday Itinerary Template Men, Animated Drinks Bday Party Weekend Vacation Trip for Boys Evite, Editable Photos Mobile Itinerary CANVA DIY

Original price was: $ 17,85.Current price is: $ 13,38.


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Men Birthday Weekend Trip Itinerary Editable Templates for Mobile Use | Self Edit using CANVA DIY DIgital Download

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Are you ready to take your travel plans to the next level? Whether you’re gearing up for a weekend getaway or a cross-country road trip, we’ve got something special in store for you. Imagine having the power to customize your travel itinerary with just a few taps on your phone. Sounds amazing, right? Well, get ready to say hello to convenience and flexibility with our editable travel itinerary templates designed for mobile use. With the magic of CANVA and the ease of digital downloads, you’ll be able to create and modify your travel plans with ease. So, buckle up and get ready for a whole new level of travel organization!

W A T C H . F U L L . V I D E O . H E R E
W H A T . I S . I N C L U D E D
5 Pages Editable Itinerary Templates with Custom Photos
1284 X 2778 px PHONE SIZE
1024 X 1366 px IPAD TABLET SIZE
You can RESIZE all you want through Canva. Scale all elements to fit your desired size
Over 100 FREE Travel Icons

E D I T . I N S T R U C T I O N . V I D E O
S I M I L A R . I T E M S
Add photos, delete, move, resize or rotate according to your personal preferences
Add music for a more exciting video
ALL text are editable
ALL font & background colors are editable
Canva Pro is NOT needed! All elements, fonts and templates are available to download for free

H O W . I T . W O R K S
Upon purchase, you will receive a PDF file with links to your Travel Book Templates.
Download the PDF through your Purchase attachments
You will be prompted to make a copy of the template upon clicking the link
Customize your template according to your preference
Save your template for printing or send as an e-book digital file

I M P O R T A N T . N O T E S
This listing includes DIGITAL FILES ONLY. No physical product will be shipped
This template is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Resale of any digital files or templates is strictly prohibited
Printing colors may vary depending on your monitor & printing method

R E F U N D S . A N D . E X C H A N G E S
Due to the nature of this product (digital download) we are unable to offer refund.
However, if you have any issues with your download or file or if you find any errors, please contact us and well help you resolve this.

If you have any questions or queries please drop us a message



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Birthday Itinerary Template Men, Animated Drinks Bday Party Weekend Vacation Trip for Boys Evite, Editable Photos Mobile Itinerary CANVA DIY
Original price was: $ 17,85.Current price is: $ 13,38.
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