In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a Woocommerce food ordering website from scratch. I’m gonna do it with the help of the Blocksy theme and two additional plugins. So, if you’re interested then jump in.
First, please take at the video here below because then it will be much easier to understand what is what and how to accomplish that.
Video: How to Create a Woocommerce Food Ordering Website in 39 minutes?
Step 1: Install Blocksy Pro theme
If you would like to to create a similar Woocommerce food ordering website as me then you should use Blocksy Pro theme which allows us to add these element needed for the task:
Woocommerce Quick View without the need to visit single product page
This makes food ordering much easier and removes the hassle to go between category and single product pages.
Powerful header builder
This allows us to create all sorts of header layouts, add live search and social icons etc
Side cart
We can add a cart icon in the header with the option to open up not as a dropdown but as a side cart.
Customize every aspect of the site
Blocksy theme hasa ton of customization options which means that with the help of the couple of clicks you can change redesign your whole website.
Starter site needed for this Woocommerce food ordering website
Blocksy has a bunch of nice starter sites in their repository and we’re going to use one of them. Which means tha the end result will look something like this the on in the screenshot below.
Now, if you want to get a nice discount then grab it with the nice discount
Step 2: Install and configure a starter site called Tasty
If you succesfully installed and activated both Blocksy theme and Blocksy Pro companion plugin then go to Blocksy >> Starter sites and import a site called Tasty. You can decide wheter to import only theme options with or without content. Also, don’t forget to activate a Blocksy Pro addon called Woocommerce Extras. It’s under Blocksy >> Extensions >> Pro.
Next, go to Appearance >> Customizer and configure the theme to you liking (change logo, colors etc).
Step 3: Install and configure Woocommerce
We’re going to need Woocommerce for selling your food. So, if you’re not familiar with the Woocommerce then see the video mentioned above. In this I’m showing how to set it up.
If you need in depth Woocommerce tutorials then see the official docs here.
Also, don’t foget to got to Appearance >> Customize >> Header and add a Cart element to the header.
Step 4: Add products
Forst, add product categories (Appetizers, Main course, Desserts etc) and the add products to these categories. You can add both simple and variable products.
If you’re not familiar with the Woocommerce then see the video mentioned above because in it I’ll show you how to do that.
Step 5: Activate Quick view
Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Woocommerce >> Product archives >> Card options.
Now find and activate Quick view and set the trigger modal on “Card click”. This makes all the product cards clickable which means that quick view opens up even when clicking on the title, price, image etc. elements.
There is one issue though. Since later we’re going to add extra product options then we’re going to disable this add to cart button on the cards.
Step 6: Disable and rename add to cart button on shop and product loop
In order to accomplis that grab these two code snipepts here below and add them to the child theme’s functions.php file or better yet – use Code Snippets plugin for it.
Remove Add to cart from shop pages
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'disable_add_to_cart' );
function disable_add_to_cart() {
if ( is_shop() ) {
add_filter( 'woocommerce_is_purchasable', '__return_false');
elseif ( is_product_category() ) {
add_filter( 'woocommerce_is_purchasable', '__return_false');
This previous snippet will replace add to cart adding feature with Read more button. Now, I would like to replace this “Read more” with “Add to cart” and since we have a quick view activated the clicking on this will trigger quick view page itself.
add_filter('gettext', 'translate_strings');
add_filter('ngettext', 'translate_strings');
function translate_strings($translated) {
$translated = str_ireplace('Read more', 'Add to cart', $translated);
return $translated;
Version 2: Disable add to cart button
Some users have reported that for the newer Blocksy theme versions this version here above is not working because it will replace “add to cart” button with “read more” button but clicking on the button will open single product page.
Well, if this is the case, then don’t use the version above and use this one here instead. Another benefit of doing this is that you can skip step 7.
if (!function_exists('woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart')) {
function woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart() {
global $product;
Step 7: Add extra Woocommerce product options
Since most of my food sold in the shop have extra options (more cheese, gluten free sausage, extra large pizza etc.) I need to install a free plugin called “Extra Product Options for WooCommerce”
Now go to the Products >> Extra products and add new field listing. Configure it accoringly and then add product add-on fields.
Step 8: Remove “Go to product page” button from Quick view
This is optional but if you would like to remove “Go to product page” button from the wuick view page then add this piece of CSS to the Customizer >> Additonal CSS.
.ct-quick-view-card .ct-quick-more {
display: none;
Step 9: Add Delivery and pickup time and date selection yo your Woocommerce shop
If there is a Woocommerde food ordering website then there shoulb be an option to choose either delivery date or time. Or better yet – there shoul be an option to choose also a pickuy date and time. So, let’s add this feature to the site.
You need to install and configure a plugin called “Order date, Order pickup, Order date time, Pickup Location, delivery date for WooCommerce“
If you need help with the plugin then take a look at the video above and see it (starting 33min 24sec) where I’ll show you how to do that.
Now, if everything is correctly set up then you should see something like this on the checkout page.
Step 10: Add a product filter
Go to Appearance >> Customizer >> Woocommerce >> Product archives and activate Off canvas product filter. Customize it if needed.
Now go to Appearance >> Widgets and add a Product categories widget inside Woocommerce Off-cancas filter widget area. Also, if you need a better product fitlter then you can create one with some 3rd party plugin and add it over there.
Step 11: Testing a Woocommerce Food Ordering Website?
Well, basically everything has been done now and there is nothing left but testing it. If you have followed this tutorial to the letter then it should work like a clock and you can open up you Woocommerce food ordering website without any issues.