Disney Blog Names: Ideas and Examples

Disney Blog Names

Disney Blog Names: Ideas and Examples

Looking for ideas of Disney blog names?

One of the first steps of starting a Disney blog is coming up with a name. But what if you have no idea how to come up with a name for your blog?

I know how hard it can be to come up with the perfect Disney blog name, which is why I put together this guide with tons of ideas and examples.

When I started my first blog, I actually ended up changing the name after a year because I didn’t like the name I had chosen. However, this is actually NOT something you ever want to do. Changing your blog name is a hassle, and it can be a difficult and detrimental process once your blog is established.

That’s why it’s important to pick a name that you love from the start.

So how do you come up with the perfect Disney blog name?

Here are some ideas of the best Disney blog names to help you out!


Domain Name Availability Checker

When coming up with a blog name, you will want to make sure that the domain name (the .com version of the name) is not already registered.

When you start your blog with Bluehost you will get a FREE domain name, saving you $15 to $20. So how can you see if the name you want is available?

After you click “Get Started” on this page and select the $2.95 a month plan (this is the cheapest plan and the one I recommend) you will be able to put in your intended domain name to see if it’s available to register or not.

If you haven’t decided on a blog name yet, you can skip this step and get a credit to come back later to choose your domain name within 30 days.

For a step-by-step guide to registering your domain name and setting up web hosting for your blog, read my guide on how to start a Disney blog.


How Do I Choose a Disney Blog Name?

Do you need help coming up with a Disney blog name?

Here are my top tips for coming up with a name that you will love!

Your blog name is important, because it’s the first impression that your blog will have on readers. You want to choose something that is catchy, professional, and makes sense. And like I mentioned earlier, you want to choose something that you will not think about changing later, since that can be a huge hassle.

To come up with a name for your Disney blog, try the following strategies:


1. Make it Disney-related.

One of the first questions you might have about starting a Disney blog is whether or not you’re allowed to use the word “Disney” in your name.

I am not an intellectual property lawyer, so I encourage you to do your own research on this, but the general answer is yes you can under the fair use principle. However, you’ll see many Disney bloggers include a disclaimer on their website that they are not affiliated with Disney in any way.

You can also make the name of your blog Disney-related without using the word Disney. For example, all of these words and phrases have a “Disney connotation” to them, making them perfect to incorporate in your blog name: Magic, Theme Park, Kingdom, Mouse, Pixie Dust, Adventure, Dreams, Fairytale, and so on.


2. Use a variation of your name.

Another idea for choosing a Disney blog name is to use a variation of your name. This is a good naming strategy if you plan to be the “face” of your blog and want to build a personal brand around it as a Disney influencer.

For example, a name like Katie in the Kingdom, Jordan’s Magical Adventures, or Disney with Diana are all examples of personal Disney blog names.


3. Get descriptive.

Do you plan to focus on a specific Disney niche? For example, Disney cruises or saving money at Disney World? If so, you can incorporate this into your blog name to give readers an idea of what your blog is about right away.

For instance, with blog names like Disney Cruise Queen or Budget Park Planner, you immediately know what the topic of the blog is.


4. Add modifying words.

One tip for coming up with a Disney blog name is to use modifying words. This can help you find a similar blog name when the one you want is taken.

I recommend doing this rather than choosing a different ending for your blog (ex. choosing a .net ending if the .com is taken) because it’s better to have a .com name. You also shouldn’t use hyphens, misspellings, or numbers in your name.

As an example, let’s say you would like to use the name “World of Magic” for your Disney blog, but that name is already taken. You could try…

  • This World of Magic
  • My World of Magic
  • Her World of Magic
  • Our World of Magic

Modifying words can help you find a name that is available for your blog.


5. Capture the magic of Disney.

Many of the best Disney blog names are fun and whimsical, capturing the magic of Disney. So don’t be afraid to get creative when choosing a name!

For example, names like This Fairytale Journey, A Magical Lifestyle, Disney World Countdown, Happily Ever After Blog, Passports and Pixie Dust, and A Little Dose of Disney are all examples of Disney blog names that are catchy and fun.


Real Disney Blog Names

Still having trouble coming up with a name for your Disney blog? Here are a ton of real-life examples of Disney blog names from popular bloggers!

These 25+ Disney blog names come from real successful blogs:

  • Disney Tourist Blog
  • Blog Mickey
  • Kait Around the Kingdom
  • Disney Food Blog
  • Vegan Disney World
  • WDW Prep School
  • The Park Pixie
  • Disney Trippers
  • Ziggy Knows Disney
  • The Mouse for Less
  • Disney Addicts
  • This Fairy Tale Life
  • Pixie Dust Fan
  • Disney in Your Day
  • Theme Park Hipster
  • Disney with Dave’s Daughters
  • The Happiest Blog on Earth
  • Disney Dose
  • Wandering in Disney
  • Disney Fashionista
  • Wish Upon a Planner
  • Couponing to Disney
  • Everything Mouse
  • Polka Dots and Pixie Dust
  • The Budget Mouse
  • Mouse Ear Memories
  • Disney Pins Blog

Although all of these Disney blog names are already taken, looking at them can give you some inspiration for coming up with your own name!


Registering Your Blog Name

Once you have decided on a name for your Disney blog, you will need to register your domain name so you can get your blog started.

I have a detailed guide on how to start a Disney blog that goes more in depth on what to do, but the process is actually very simple!

You just need to purchase your domain name and web hosting.

I recommend Bluehost for all new bloggers because they actually give you a FREE domain name (saving you $15+) and offer web hosting for just $2.95 a month. (This is the lowest possible price that you can start a blog for!)

Bluehost is also the ONLY web hosting company I know of that allows you to go ahead and start your blog without choosing a name yet.

Just select “I’ll create my domain later” after you sign up here.

Disney Blog Names: Ideas and Examples

So if you need some extra time to decide on your blog name, you can go ahead and get your blog started now, and then Bluehost will give you a credit you can choose to come back and choose your domain name within 30 days.


Disney Blog Names: Final Thoughts

Hopefully these Disney blog names and tips helped you come up with the perfect name for your own Disney blog so you can start blogging today!

For more Disney blog ideas, be sure to read:

  • How to Start a Disney Blog and Make Money Blogging
  • 50 Blog Post Ideas for Disney Bloggers

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