96 Engaging Podcast Topic Ideas For 2024

Struggling to find podcast topics for your show? Or maybe you’re thinking about starting a new podcast but don’t quite know what it’s going to be about just yet.

No problem. In this post, you’ll find 96 podcast topics that you can draw inspiration from.

These topics are a combination of categories that already perform well on podcasts as well as those that have the potential to grow.

Here they are in no particular order. 

1. True crime

01 True Crime

As far as podcast ideas go, true crime is still at the top of the game. A quick search on platforms like Apple Podcasts will show just how many episodes there are about it.

If you’re gonna go with this podcast idea, you’ll need to do a lot of research. So it’s not ideal for someone who doesn’t have time to invest.

2. Lifestyle

Lifestyle podcasts cover a lot of topics. It’s more about showcasing the life and interests of the podcast host. If the host is into interior design, for example, then podcast topics need to revolve around that.

Your job would be to publish episodes that would inspire your target audience.

3. Politics

It’s almost impossible to not come across politics when looking for podcast episode ideas. A lot of podcasts have them — and so can you.

A common misconception is that you have to lean toward a specific political spectrum to succeed in this category. But it can work even if you don’t have party affiliation.

4. Parenting

Do you have thoughts on being a parent? Have some wisdom to share? Then why not publish a couple of podcast episodes on parenting?

You can be as funny or serious as you want. What’s important is that you share information that your audience would find useful.

5. Nature

Not everyone finds the idea of a nature podcast exciting. But if you’re deeply passionate about the environment, talking about nature can help bring attention to all the issues surrounding it.

Or you can use your podcast to make people stop taking it for granted.

6. Retrospective

Retrospectives allow podcast hosts to look back on their careers, previous podcast episodes, or life in general. Hosts can also use retrospectives to reflect on historical events that impacted them in some way.

Find significant moments that you’d like to discuss with your listeners.

7. Brand history

This is a unique podcast idea but one that’s both informative and entertaining. Talk about a brand’s history. Let people know how a company came to be what it is today.

You’ll need to do research. However, the information you need is likely already out there. This is especially true for large businesses.

8. Meditation

Meditation is a great category for a podcast. Not only are a lot of people looking for this type of content but it’s also considered by some as evergreen content.

What does that mean? Compared to something like an interview, users won’t have any problem relistening to older episodes. 

9. Artificial intelligence

There have been a lot of advancements in artificial intelligence. People have accepted that this technology will shape the future.

Dedicating an entire podcast to AI isn’t as crazy of an idea as it might have been ten years ago. You have lots to talk about at this point.

10. Culture

A podcast dedicated to another country’s culture is a good idea. This is especially true for people living outside their motherland. 

Share your experiences living abroad and immersing yourself with the locals. Talk about their lives and how it compares to those from your hometown.

11. Fantasy football

Fantasy football means serious money to some folks. And these people pay close attention to podcasts that help them figure it all out.

If you’re running out of podcast ideas and you’re into football, there’s no reason why you couldn’t dip your toes into fantasy football.

12. Myths and folklore

Believe it or not, there are podcasts that focus on myths and folklore. Hosts would do a deep dive into each story and break them down so their audience could better understand how these came to be.

If you know of interesting myths and folklore, explore them with your listeners.

13. Basketball

There’s no need to tell you that basketball is one of the biggest sports out there. So it only makes sense to have a podcast dedicated to it.

You can analyze the games, talk about recent developments, criticize trades, and predict what’s about to come.

14. Religion

You can make a podcast about religion. Focus on your own or explore all the other ones. It’s up to you where you want to take it.

Hosts can stick to educating the public about a religion. But they can also do inspirational episodes based on scripture. They can share personal testimonies as well.

15. Fashion

Having your own podcast about fashion can mean big business. Podcast ideas like this one are always in demand.

Talk about what’s trending and what’s not. Let people know where they can get the best deals. Tell your audience which celebrities and influencers to look out for.

16. Talks

If you have audio recordings of a talk you’ve done, you can make podcast episodes out of them. Alternatively, you can comment on a talk someone else did.

You can pause your talk at certain points and add some context or expound on them further. These are great, especially for listeners driving or commuting to work.

17. Tennis

Tennis is a huge sport. And yet, you’ll rarely find a podcast episode about it. You could be the person to bring this to the masses. 

You’ll need to know your stuff though. If you don’t, you can always bring in a guest or have a co-host who knows the game inside and out.

18. Social media

Social media, as a podcast topic, is interesting to most people. It impacts their personal and professional lives. Digital marketing experts can’t get enough of it.

You can create a few episodes about all the social media companies and what’s going on behind the scenes based on media reports and user feedback.

Related reading: The Latest Social Media Statistics You Need To Know.

19. Book reviews

Book reviews are a podcast stable. It lends itself nicely to the medium since you don’t really need visual elements to talk about books you’ve read.

You don’t have to publish book reviews all the time. If you’ve read something good that your audience would relate to, you can talk about it for a few minutes.

20. Life updates

There are podcasters that treat their show like a blog post. You could do the same. Spend time telling people what you’ve been up to lately. Recall the events of the previous weekend. Or hype up a project you’re currently working on.

Take this opportunity to tell some interesting stories.

21. Football

Football is huge in the p[podcasting world. It is a saturated market. Still, you should publish an episode or two about it and see if you gain any traction. It could be worth your while.

Any sports podcast will gain listeners. The question is whether they’ll stay or look for another football podcast to listen to.

22. Animals

A podcast about animals? Would that even work? Well, yes. You can do an entire episode talking about a specific animal and how amazing, weird, or terrifying it is. 

This podcast format is even better if you take a comedic approach to it. It’s all about the presentation.

23. Sex life

You’ll be surprised by how many podcasts center around sex. Hosts would sometimes share funny stories about their adventures. If they have guests, they’ll have them share theirs. 

How do you approach such a sensitive topic? Some are more restrained. They focus more on providing information men and women need. Others are purely for entertainment purposes.

24. Boxing

Boxing podcasts offer more than just match analysis and predictions. You can talk about the history of the sport, discuss current issues, and provide news and updates.

If you think that your target audience is predominantly boxing fans, you should absolutely give it a shot.

25. MMA

MMA, like boxing, is a huge full-contact sport. The appetite people have for this sports subgenre is insatiable. Alongside football, it’s one of the best podcast topic ideas you could explore.

Your show doesn’t have to replicate shows with a huge budget and access to a panel of experts. It could be as simple as getting a group of friends together and talking about the sport.

26. Kids entertainment

Kids entertainment as a podcast topic? How’s that supposed to work? First off, this type of content is already out there. 

You only need to upload material that keeps kids entertained. You can publish short stories or music that parents can play in the background as they drive or do chores.

27. Family

Family podcasts deal with the everyday challenges people face with their parents, siblings, and extended family. As a host, you can offer your insight and provide actionable advice so listeners can deal with their issues properly.

You could invite guests and have them share their thoughts and experiences as well.

28. Adoption

Adoption is hard to navigate. Plenty of couples need help navigating through the whole process. Your podcast can be that resource that they desperately need.

Admittedly, this isn’t for everyone. You need to have some experience with adoption yourself or be a professional in the field to get some credibility.

29. Gardening

Gardening is a beautiful hobby that doesn’t get much love from the podcasting community. Spend a couple of episodes on gardening if you’re low on ideas.

You can provide tips and techniques. Talk about the seasonality of it. You can even talk about how someone can get the whole community involved.

30. Divorce

Like adoption, divorce is a complex topic. Not everyone knows how to file for one and how it can change someone’s life once they get it.

Be that source of emotional support. Talking about life after divorce and how it gets better is a good starting point.

31. Great outdoors

Anything that falls under the great outdoors subgenre makes great podcast topic ideas. You can discuss your love of hunting, rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, and camping.

People who are currently exploring nature can tune in as they work their way through the wilderness.

32. Climate change

Climate change is a serious problem right now. But since there are so many facets to it, people need someone who can break down each issue and make them easier to digest.

You can teach listeners how they can help make a difference in the world.

33. Digital marketing

Marketers are always on the hunt for new strategies. If you’re a seasoned marketer, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to get these people to listen.

Discuss the latest SEO trends. Provide tips for beginners and experts. Let them know the best ways for them to outrank their competitors on search engines.

34. Carpentry

Carpentry podcasts appeal to different people — woodworkers, DIY builders, and hobbyists just to name a few. And there’s lots to talk about. You can speak on other woodworking techniques, tools, and problem-solving.

If you’re a carpenter, you can also talk about your working experience and all the interesting jobs that came your way.

35. Cycling

Is cycling the perfect podcast idea? Far from it. But there are millions of cyclists all over the world. And they all need advice from someone with both knowledge and experience handling bikes.

You can start a podcast that’s all about this podcast topic.

36. Language

Podcasts are great educational tools. You can use it to help someone improve their speaking ability or learn a new language.

And they’re easy to produce, especially if you have experience in this field. Or you can find the information you need from online sources and create your episodes using them as guides.

37. Collecting

A podcast about collecting will give listeners an idea of how passionate and intriguing collectors are. You can talk about your own collection, of course. But it might be better if you interview someone deep into his or her collection.

Topics can be about comic books, stamps, lunch boxes, old figures, and everything else in between. The more unique the collection is, the more attractive an episode will be.

38. Renewable energy

People now show interest in renewable, sustainable energy. But the problem is that they don’t know much about — or at least they don’t know about all the emerging technologies and legislation related to it.

Keep the public informed about renewable energy by dedicating episodes to this topic.

39. Off-grid living

The thought of living off-grid is becoming appealing to adventurous folks. The idea of self-reliance is what’s driving their interest. 

However, there’s lots to know about becoming self-sufficient like where to get water or how to generate power without tapping into the grid. Use your podcast to help people get answers.

40. Survival stories

There are a lot of interesting stories from those who have survived horrible events and conditions. Other podcasts do a wonderful job of covering them. But they don’t get every story.

Invite listeners to hear survival stories featuring those whom they may not have heard of before. Talk about what they needed to do to get out of the sticky situations they found themselves in.

41. Around the world

The best podcast ideas are inclusive ones. Start a new podcast featuring stories from around the world. News is the most obvious topic to cover but you can also do human interest stories.

These don’t have to be long. News roundups typically last anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes.

42. Mini-series

If you’re looking for long-format podcast topic ideas, consider doing a mini-series. What you’re doing is cutting down one long story into several episodes.

Hooking people in the first episode will guarantee that they’ll return for the next one.

43. Business

Business podcasts are a staple in podcasting. Experts talk about how one could start a company, what pitfalls to look out for, and people management.

You can also discuss workplace trends as well as legal and regulatory matters. Throwing in words of inspiration would be a nice touch.

44. Physical health

Physical health could be your main podcast content. It covers a wide range of topics including fitness, nutrition, and weight loss.

Go over fitness routines, diets, medical conditions, aging, and self-care with guests. This will even be better if you are a nutritionist or have some expertise in this field.

45. Gadgets

Gadgets make for amazing podcast content. Each episode can feature a new product that’s out in the market. You can do reviews or first impressions.

A deep dive into the tech that allows the product to exist will also be good. Comparisons with similar products will also work.

46. Human interest

What are human interest stories? Basically, they’re stories about extraordinary people and their experiences. You share personal anecdotes and explore narratives that your audience would be able to relate to.

Podcast episode ideas like this one work because they’re super inspirational. Listeners can’t help but feel good after an episode ends.

47. Veganism

Letting go of animal meat and switching to veganism is tough for anyone. But it’s a necessary sacrifice for those who are deeply affected by animal abuse and similar issues.

Vegan podcasts walk vegans through plant-based diets. It’s all about celebrating the vegan lifestyle through proper education.

48. Standup comedy

A comedy podcast attracts a big audience. One of the most popular forms of comedy on podcasts features standups from all over the country.

That doesn’t mean you can’t upload episodes if you’re not a standup comic. What some do is they discuss comedians, their best jokes, what makes them great, and who else people should watch out for.

49. Urban farming

Urban farming is an interesting topic because a lot of people have taken to it, especially during and after the pandemic.

Use your podcast to teach people how to cultivate fruits, herbs, and vegetables in an urban setting. Show them just how easy it is to grow their own produce.

50. Legal advice

Offering free legal advice on your podcast is a surefire way to bring in new viewers. 

If you provide your audience with a way to send in their questions, you can compile them and categorize them into groups. That way, you can have an episode discussing one category.

Of course, you’ll need to be a lawyer or a related job to be qualified to answer. Giving false advice could land you in trouble. You’ll also be best including some sort of legal disclaimer.

51. Soccer

Surprisingly, there aren’t that many soccer podcasts out there. So you still have a shot at dominating this sports category.

If soccer is your passion, do episodes where you analyze the matches, feature outstanding players, and react to all the latest developments.

52. Romance

Share personal stories about your relationship with your partner. Talk about how it all started, the difficulties you faced, and how you managed to keep it going.

If you’re not keen on sharing personal details, you can invite guests who are open to discussing theirs. 

53. Dating

Dating advice shows never go out of fashion — and for good reason. They’re always entertaining, especially if the host has an unconventional take on dating.

This podcast topic requires input from listeners though. Have them send their dating questions so you have material to work with.

54. Automotive

Create content about cars and motorcycles. Talk about the latest cars or do tributes to the classics. You can also share life stories featuring your favorite cars or big bikes.

This has the potential to be a successful podcast due to how strong this category is.

55. Food

If you’re the type of person who can talk about food all day, this could be the best out of all the podcast topics on this list. Feature the best spots to eat in your town. Or share your experience dining around the world.

Those who don’t know how to podcast just yet will find this topic a great entry point because of how flexible it is.

56. Mental health

Many suffer from burnout and depression lately. And some of them turn to podcasts for help. This is a serious issue. So if you’re going to tackle mental health, you better have the credentials for it.

Otherwise, it’s a great way to help people who need a shoulder to lean on.

57. Industry news

It can be about any industry. But it would be best if you create episodes based on the industry you’re most familiar with. 

For example, truck drivers might want to start a podcast where they let other drivers know what’s up in their job market.

58. Career advice

If you just need podcast ideas for a couple of episodes, you can just hand out career advice. If you already have a tech review podcast, you can tell people how they too could start a career in the same field.

As a bonus, you don’t have to do that much research since you’re mostly drawing from your own experience.

59. Entertainment news

Celebrity news is so in demand. It’s not that surprising though since everyone loves to gossip. Use your podcast to publish the latest developments in Hollywood.

Just make sure you use credible sources so you’re not spreading misinformation.

60. Alcohol

There are a lot of drinkers out there. So why not celebrate alcohol in all of its forms? You can taste wines and spirits on your show. Each episode could be about a specific type. 

Some podcasts incorporate alcohol into their shows and they tend to have hilarious moments as you might expect.

61. Surprise guests

The surprise guest podcast topic isn’t suited for everyone. After all, you’ll need to bring in a recognizable name for the surprise to resonate with the audience.

But if you have the resources for it, you can have celebrity guests come in to answer questions. Those who have co-hosts might want to find a way to keep the name of the guest off their radar to make the reveal fun for everyone.

62. Filmmaking

There are a lot of film discussions on sites like YouTube. And this topic also works for the podcast version. Talk about the basics of filmmaking, the gear required, and the techniques that aspiring filmmakers need to know.

63. Pets

Pet lovers everywhere will consume anything that would get them to be better fur parents. So it’s always a good podcast topic to fall back to.

You can do something like a day in the life of a pet owner. Or you can search the most asked questions about pet ownership and answer them.

64. Travel

Starting a travel podcast is a good way to earn money while you’re flying from one country to another. You can chronicle your journey as you make your way through the streets.

Or you can provide listeners with advice like what they need to watch out for.

65. Workout

Instead of listening to music, some gym goers prefer to listen to podcasts that get them pumped up for their session. 

You can create episodes that fill that need. Think about what type of content you’d like to hear when working out.

66. Female empowerment

Female podcast hosts can use their voices to support other women. Having a show that acknowledges the difficulty women face every day can be uplifting for girls everywhere.

You can also highlight women who managed to become successful despite the environment they were in.

67. Pop culture

You can start a podcast that’s all about pop culture. And the good thing about this category is that you can tap into all sorts of fandoms. 

For example, you can do a podcast that’s all about anime. Or you can have one that’s all about Star Wars. Or why not combine all of them into one show?

68. Horror

Storytellers and horror fans would be happy to know that podcast listeners love being scared. If you have a very scary story to share, you can narrate the story and add spooky sound effects to take it to the next level.

It’s such a simple concept but it works.

69. Cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency madness has toned down a little since its height. But the truth is that there are still plenty of actors in the crypto game.

Having podcast episodes exploring this category might not be such a bad idea.

70. Life advice

There are people who just need simple life advice for whatever everyday problem they’re facing. It could be about transferring to a new city. Some might need to hear someone’s take on what type of school to get their kids into.

Offer your advice and get people the answers they need.

71. Artist spotlight

There are entire podcasts that are all about one artist. And the level of detail is actually impressive. The hosts examine an artist’s life, work, and trials. 

If you’re a big fan of someone, make that person or group your podcast topic. You can devote as many episodes as needed to tell the whole story.

72. Movie reviews

You can’t go wrong doing movie reviews. Not only are films coming out in cinemas again but there are also so many titles across all the streaming platforms. You have so many options.

Hosts can even specialize in one movie type. For example, you can do only horror films or stick to independent releases.

73. Song reviews

The perks of doing song reviews are the same as movie reviews. You can stick to rock music or focus on country. Or maybe you can cover songs on the top of the charts and explain how they made it there.

74. Behind the scenes

You can use podcasts to share behind-the-scenes stories if you have a YouTube channel, a TV show, or a movie. People like hearing about how shows get done. This is a great way to tell stories that will never get shared otherwise.

75. Controversies

Is there anything controversial in the news lately? Why not offer your take on the topic?

The only downside to this type of podcast topic is that you need to react to a story as quickly as possible so your audience can hear your thoughts while the controversy is still fresh in their minds.

76. Economics

The economy isn’t one of the sexiest podcast ideas around. But it does attract a lot of listeners. People are curious about how the economy is doing which makes this topic timely.

You can put a unique spin on the topic though to make it more exciting.

77. Gig economy

Doing a podcast about the gig economy will give freelancers and part-timers a space where they can learn from one another.

If you’re an Uber driver, for example, then you can read comments from other Uber drivers to keep everyone updated on the car-hailing app industry.

78. Stock market

With so many interested in the stock market, it’s only normal to find this category flourishing on podcast platforms. Why not join in on the fun?

If you have the expertise, you can give people advice on what stocks you think would be your audience’s best bet to make money.

79. Real estate

The real estate market tends to fluctuate depending on the market. If you’re lucky, you might be able to flip a house and make good on your investment. But there are times when the seller isn’t as lucky.

Those who are into real estate should do podcasts sharing tips on how and when to buy or sell.

80. Arts and crafts

Hobbyists don’t have a lot of choices as far as podcast channels go. But they do exist. If you want to try your luck in this category, you can make your show target a specific hobby.

In this case, exploring multiple hobbies in one show might turn away new listeners.

81. Neuroscience

Neuroscience (or any type of science, really) can be a good topic. It’s even better if you could interview experts who can explain a given topic in such a way that even ordinary folks could understand.

82. How-to guides

Those who have how-to guides on their blogs could repurpose them into podcast episodes. Since you’ve done most of the work already, all you’re really doing is converting posts to an audio format.

It’s a quick and easy way to add more content to your podcast.

83. Adventure

Have you been on an adventure lately? Well, why don’t you tell everyone about it?

Think of it as story time for your listeners. Just tell it exactly as it is. There’s no reason to make an episode more complicated than it needs to be.

84. Military

Did you use to work in the military? If so, then you’re qualified to talk about topics like military strategies, weapons, war analysis, and other related topics.

You could go back in time and discuss what made certain missions a success or failure. Or you could draw inspiration from what’s happening today.

85. Law enforcement

Like the military category, law enforcement officials could lend their expertise to curious listeners. Their point of view could make sense of some conflicts that people couldn’t fully comprehend.

86. Investigative

Podcast hosts that go above and beyond their duties need to be commended. Investigative podcasts shed light on problems that some communities face but remain unaddressed. 

Think you have what it takes? Then find an issue that you’re willing to investigate and publish your findings as a podcast episode.

87. Bedtime stories

Bedtime stories are not just for children anymore. Some have a difficult time shutting their brains down for the night. And so podcasters began doing bedtime stories to help get them to sleep. And you could do the exact same thing.

88. Adolescence

Podcasts about adolescence let people who are at this stage of their lives understand what’s going on with them. 

These episodes can be good resources for parents and educators as well. It can help them deal with the anxiety and depression that teens normally face.

89. Car racing

Think NASCAR, Le Mans, and other similar events. Someone needs to cover them. Why not you?

You’ll need to pay close attention to all racers before each race. It will be your duty to keep your audience informed throughout the event.

90. Wealth

You either talk about how to get wealthy or the lifestyle attributed to it. Look at some of the richest people on Earth and tell your listeners how they manage their money and property.

Where do they invest their money? What ridiculous things do they buy? These are just some of the topics you could discuss.

91. Concerts

Who knew you could listen to concerts through podcasts? Some shows only do live performances. And while you’d think most people would use YouTube to access these, some would rather listen to them through their favorite podcast platform.

92. Professional wrestling

Professional wrestling is such an interesting category. Because while it is presented as a sport, most conversations revolve around what’s happening behind the scenes. 

So you can’t cover wrestling shows like you would a regular sport. You’ll need to know what’s going on behind the scenes to guess what’s about to happen in the following days or weeks.

93. Coffee

Some like covering alcohol on their podcast shows, while others like drinking coffee. If you’re a coffee fan yourself, you can do an entire podcast episode on your favorite blend.

You can ask your audience for suggestions and do a taste test to see which one of them gave the best recommendation.

94. Space exploration

One can argue that people aren’t that excited about space anymore. And yet, some go nuts whenever a discovery is made. 

The next time NASA comes out with something good, make a podcast episode to discuss the significance of the find and what it could mean for humanity.

95. Gaming

You don’t need to be told just how popular gaming is today. Kids and adults alike are excited over gaming announcements and developments. 

Are you a gamer too? Then start a podcast that reviews the latest titles and covers news in this industry.

96. Tech

Are there new phones or tablets coming out? What’s the latest in VR technology? How good is the latest camera being released by one of the largest manufacturers?

These are just some of the questions you could answer if you do a tech podcast.


These are just a few examples of topics that you can use for your podcast. You can build a whole show around one category.

And there are plenty more examples out there you can use for inspiration. According to recent statistics, there are more than 3 million podcasts.

However, you can mix and match categories and come up with new episodes that way. For example, you can create how-to podcast episodes about real estate. 

If you’d like to learn more about podcasting, we have additional reading resources below.

Related reading:

  • How Much Money Do Podcasters Make?
  • Podcasting Statistics
  • How To Make Money Podcasting
  • WordPress Plugins For Podcasting
  • Statistics On Content Marketing Trends
  • Content Repurposing

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