17 Critical Infographic Statistics For 2024 (Latest Data)

Are you interested in learning about a few infographic statistics?

Infographics are a powerful marketing tool that allow you to display statistical data and complex information in aesthetically-pleasing ways that are easier to consume.

In this post, we share stats on infographics that demonstrate this content type’s dominance among businesses and consumers alike.

Editor’s top picks – infographic statistics

Here are key statistics on infographics from this article:

  • 33% of marketers mostly use infographics and illustrations when they need to create visual content. (HubSpot & Venngage)
  • 84% of companies say infographics are effective. (Infographic World)
  • 61% of consumers believe infographics are most helpful for learning retention when compared to similar marketing tactics. (Infographic World)
  • One marketer was able to achieve a closing rate of 70% by using infographics. (Visme)
  • Canva’s template library includes more than 14,200 infographic templates. (Canva)

General infographic statistics

1. 33% of marketers who create visual content mostly create infographics and illustrations

According to HubSpot’s 2022 marketing report, which they published in collaboration with infographic maker Venngage, of marketers who create visual content, 33%, which was the majority, create infographics and illustrations.

01 Visuals used most frequently

Here are other types of visuals marketers create:

  • Infographics and illustrations – 33% of marketers who create visual content create this type
  • Stock photos – 30%
  • Charts and data visualizations – 15%
  • Videos and presentations – 13%
  • Multipage lead-en docs – 5%

Source: HubSpot & Venngage

2. 84% of companies who use infographics believe they’re effective

Infographic World teamed up with a data scientist and an “exclusive partner in the data collection space” to survey 1,000 individuals and 100 businesses on their use of infographics.

02 Infographics

They discovered that 56% of these companies use infographics.

Even better, 84% of companies who use infographics believe them to be effective.

Source: Infographic World

3. 84% of companies use infographics for marketing purposes

When asked why their organizations use infographics, 84% of companies said they mostly use this content type for marketing.

03 Marketing Purposes for infographics

Here are other use case scenarios for infographics:

  • Marketing – 84% of companies use infographics for this purpose
  • Sales – 70%
  • Internal presentations/communications – 59%
  • Internal trainings – 43%

Source: Infographic World

4. 61% of consumers say infographics are most effective when it comes to learning and retaining information

According to Infographic World’s survey, the majority of consumers, or 61%, believe that infographics are most effective at improving their ability to learn and retain information.

04 Retaining information

Here are other types of content that help with learning retention:

  • Infographics – 61% of consumers say this type of content helps them learn and retain new information
  • Commercials – 55%
  • PowerPoints – 48%
  • Articles with images – 46%
  • Articles with text only – 38%
  • Blog posts – 36%

Source: Infographic World

5. 46% of consumers say infographics have made them consider purchasing products and services

Infographic World’s survey revealed that the majority of consumers, or 57%, say that infographics have mostly influenced them to think deeply about subjects.

46% say infographics have made them consider purchasing products or services.

05 Activities and infographics

Here are other influences infographics have had on consumers:

  • Think deeply about a subject – 57% of consumers say infographics have influenced them to do this
  • Consider purchasing a product or service – 46%
  • Discuss a topic with friends or family – 43%
  • Change an opinion – 43%
  • Change a personal lifestyle – 27%

Source: Infographic World

6. Canva has over 14,200 infographic templates

According to Canva’s template library, the drag-and-drop graphic design tool has more than 14,200 templates listed under the “infographics” category.

There are text-based infographic templates, timeline templates and statistical infographic templates.

It’s not hard to find a statistical infographic template with a pie chart, bar chart, line chart or icon chart.

There are even more than two dozen categories for general infographics, social media infographics and statistical infographics.

Source: Canva1

7. Martin Boeddeker was able to achieve a 70% closing rate with infographics

Martin Boeddeker developed an app to help people focus, and he wanted to host a summit with several speakers to market it.

His original outreach method involved a 2,000-word, 8-page document jam packed with words that explained what his app was about and why his summit was worth attending.

After only getting a single prospect to agree to speak at his summit, he used visual communication platform Visme and advice from that one speaker to create a few infographics to use in his pitches instead.

He created more and more infographics as he recruited more and more speakers.

Here’s what Martin had to say about how successful this method was:

“The infographic was my complete promotional tool. I shared it with everybody and they took one look, and I had a 70% closing rate on my speakers, even through cold emails.”

Visme lets you publish and host designs with them, which generates a public URL you can share with others.

Source: Visme1

Visual content statistics

8. 53% of global business leaders say their content is not aesthetically pleasing

Canva’s survey of 1,600 business leaders from around the world revealed that just over half of them agree that their content is not aesthetically pleasing.

56% say their content is not consistent.

64% say their employees lack access to the right tools to have a meaningful impact on business, which signals a disconnect between marketing and design.

Source: Canva2

9. 32% of global business leaders want to communicate more with visuals

According to Canva’s latest Visual Economy report, 32% of business leaders around the world have an increased desire to communicate using visuals.

29% want to use more quick-to-consume visuals in the workplace.

Source: Canva2

10. 25% of global business leaders suffer from decreased attention spans during text-heavy presentations

Canva’s report revealed that one in four global business leaders admit that they suffer from decreased attention spans while sitting through presentations that are mostly text based.

27% say it’s due to a rise in graphic design software, 26% say it’s due to a rise in visual-based social media and 25% say it’s due to a rise in video communication software such as Zoom.

Source: Canva2

Statistics on visual communication tools

11. More than 1 billion presentations have been designed with Canva

Presentations involving multiple slides are a form of infographic as they’re images designed to showcase data and other important information in an aesthetically-pleasing way that captures your audience’s attention.

According to Canva’s own knowledge of its platform, the design tool has been used to create over 1 billion presentations.

Source: Canva2

12. There’s been a 105% increase in professionals listing “Canva” as a skill on LinkedIn

Throughout the 12 months preceding Canva’s report, there was a 105% increase in the number of LinkedIn profiles that listed “Canva” as a skill.

There’s a high demand for team members in non-design roles to have experience with creating visuals using visual communication tools like Canva.

Cavan’s report proves this fact as they discovered that 61% of global business leaders expect team members in non-design roles to have extensive design knowledge and capabilities for creativity.

12 Canva

34% expect non-design team members to have basic knowledge of design, 4% expect them to have limited knowledge while only 1% expect them to have no knowledge.

Fortunately, Canva’s report also revealed that 63% of global business leaders provide visual design training to team members who are not in design roles.

Source: Canva2

13. 90% of global business leaders agree that visual communication tools increase efficiency

In Canva’s Visual Economy report, the company asked 1,600 business leaders around the world about their experiences with visual communication tools like Canva.

The majority, or 90%, say these tools increase efficiency.

13 Visual Communication tools

Here are additional benefits of visual communication tools, according to business leaders:

  • Increase efficiency – 90% of global business leaders say this is a key benefit of visual communication tools
  • Enhance collaboration – 89%
  • Positive return on investment – 89%
  • Carry more authority – 85%

Source: Canva2

14. 89% of global business leaders say visual communication tools improves focus

According to Canva’s report, 89% of global business leaders agree that visual communication tools help teams and customers stay engaged with presented material.

This means auditory and text-based content is much easier to pay attention to when it’s presented alongside images and videos.

Source: Canva2

15. 88% of global business leaders say visual communication tools have accelerated sales cycles

Because content created with visual communication tools help customers stay engaged with presented material, 88% say visual communication tools have accelerated sales cycles.

87% say visual communication tools have increased open rates for marketing materials.

Source: Canva2

16. Canva has over 130 million monthly active users

According to Canva’s own data on its platform, the design platform has 130 million users who use the tool on a monthly basis.

Visme, another visual communication tool, is Canva’s biggest competitor. It has over 27.5 million users.

Piktochart, a tool that’s primarily used as an infographic maker, has over 11 million users.

Infographic maker Venngage has 40,000 users.

Source: Canva3, Visme2, Piktochart, Venngage

17. Canva earned over $2 billion in annual recurring revenue in 2023

According to a news report by Bloomberg, Canva achieved more than $2 billion in annual recurring revenue (ARR) in 2023.

The company is also valued at $26 billion based on investment reports.

Canva is used by more than 130 million monthly active users and has been used to create more than 15 billion designs.

Source: Bloomberg, Canva3

Final thoughts

That concludes our post on infographic statistics.

We learned how impactful infographics are for visual learners and visual marketing in general.

We also have a post on statistics for visual content. It’s filled with similar statistics if you need more information on visual content marketing.

Related reading:

  • 17 Latest Inbound Marketing Statistics (Latest Data)
  • 18 Top User Generated Content Statistics You Should Know
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  • 17 Instagram Reels Statistics You Need To Know

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